Rebirth of Fortune App Reviews

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I cant believe I got this for free!! I cant wait to try muiltiplayer! Whoever rates this 3 stars or less are frieken noobs!!!!!!!


The latest update adds tons of content to whats already one of my favorite strategy rpg games for iOS.

Flaws....A LOT of flaws

Pros: easy to upgrade units, long game,quick load. Cons: crashes often, enemies sometimes get double/triple turns at a time, random squares that one hit kill your units, unit cap to low, lags sometimes, unresponsive controls.


Cant go past the first stage LOADING SCREEN it terminates and it wont stop crashing, please fix it. Anyone else experiencing this?


This app crashes so badly and I can get past most of the levels fix

Fun but...

This is a fun game but level 43 crashes and every stage you finish and go on to the next one it crashes so please fix this bug


great game. had serious crashing issues until recent patch. unfortunately it now freezes occasionally during a level. it happens about every 3 levels on my 4g ipod. never the less, its a vast improvement over the last version. i highly reccomend this game to anyone who enjoys light strategy, its very simple, but also fun.


Amazing game.....however the crashing Is getting annoying, fix it, and this game is absolutely solid

Good game.

This is simple good game. but.. Little bit easy. I want play more difficult levels. Sorcerers meteor is too strong. Most of enemy can beat with it. I want fight with monster or something different like a boss. Please release more 50 hard levels add-on or the second volume.

Rebirth of Fortune

2、3ステージ毎に1回程度の割合で落ちる。しかも、勝負が佳境に入った頃(クリスタル5個消費の大技発動時)に落ちるのが痛い。 落ちるとそのステージ最初からやり直し。 プレイヤーの創意工夫の余地やストーリーが無い作業ゲームなのに操作性が悪く、30秒の思考時間の内、実質使えるのは15秒。 名作のシステムを踏襲しているのに残念。

Nothing like Final Fantasy Tactics

I am a great fan of turn-based strategy games. I was looking for a game similar to titles mentioned in the description, and this is certainly not it. The gameplay is not well balanced, controls are awkward, and there is zero story. Not that the story is not good. There is no story-line, at all. I was greatly disappointed. Kept it on my device just so I would remember to write this warning. Glad it was only 0.99.


楽しんでます♫ まだ魔法の発動や範囲の指定の仕方が掴めてませんが(^_^;) 開発者サイトにあった説明を翻訳サイトで訳をみながらユニットの固有スキルを少しまとめてみました。 まだ検証が必要な部分もありますが参考程度にはなるかと。 敵を仲間にするのはどうやら、ソーサラーのCharm(オーブ4つ消費)ではないかと思われます。 おそらくはそのステージ内だけでの効果ではないかと思うのですが・・・ スキル ※( )内はオーブ消費数 ※パッシブは常時発動 ■ソルジャー ●Glare attack(1) 単体に強攻撃 ●Search(パッシブ) ユニットから2マス以内に隠された罠の場所、ニンジャの不可視状態を見破る。 ■アーチャー ●Longbow shot(1) 射程の長い強攻撃 ●Poison(パッシブ) 攻撃時に毒発動(5%) ■シーフ ●Mine drop(1) 罠の設置 ※罠を最初にまたぐユニット(敵・味方問わず)に40ダメージ。 ●Poison(パッシブ) 攻撃時に毒発動(5%) ■ヒーラー ●Multi heal(1) 3マス以内のユニット(敵・味方問わず)の傷を回復。 ●Berserker(2) 狂戦士の力を与える。5ターンの間、味方全体の攻撃力を50%UP。 ●Protection(3) 味方全体に効果。各ユニットが一度だけ攻撃を回避する。 ●Rebirth(4) 墓が存在しているユニット全てを蘇生させる。 ●Miracle(5) 全てのユニットのHPを完全回復し、墓が存在するユニット全てを蘇生させる。さらにランダムに1人に を付与する。(即座に行動?) ●(パッシブ)無し? ■ソーサラー ●Multi fire ball(1) 2マス以内のユニット(敵味方問わず)に火炎球で攻撃。 ●Toxic cloud(2) 2マス以内のユニット(敵味方問わず)に毒発動。 ●Thunderstome(3) 3マス以内のユニット(敵味方問わず)に雷撃。 ●Charm(4) 3マス以内の敵ユニットの中からランダムで1体を味方にする。 ●Meteor(5) 巨大な隕石を落とし全ての敵ユニットに大ダメージを与える。 ●(パッシブ)無し? ■ガンナー ●Sniper shot(1) 頭部への致命的な攻撃。 攻撃が成功すると照準マークが表示される。(効果?) ●Bleeding(パッシブ) 深手を負わせる。 攻撃成功時、5%の確率で発動。 5ターンに渡り対象ユニットのHPの1/4のダメージを継続して与える。 ■ナイト(攻撃範囲2マス) ※敵味方問わず貫通攻撃。 ●Spearhead(1) 槍を用いた強力な貫通攻撃 ●反撃(パッシブ) ■ニンジャ ●Invisibility 不可視化。敵に検知されない。 この状態で攻撃されたユニットは250%のダメージを受ける。 ソルジャーのパッシブスキルで発見されてしまうので、注意。 ●反撃 (パッシブ)

Scratches my itch

For final fantasy tactics. Fun game well done. Still working through.

Great game but with fatal bugs

Got this app so I could play first one before I work the second one but I can barely start the first battle at all cause it keeps crashing over 90% of the time. Please patch this issue.

( ̄^ ̄)ゞ

i love this game, but it crashes before every battle. ive tried the ipod restart, but it didnt help me. please fix this to earn the last star. ~Axel H. Brightside ps if you read this post you must look up and to the right. the first thing you focus on will be your weapon in the next zombie uprising.


Mine used to crash a lot. Then I restarted IPhone and now it never crashes. Great game.

As close as you can get to a Final Fantasy Tactics game...

I summed up my opinion at the end, I am going over the details of some aspects of this game: 1) The game does not have a tutorial, the website on the game starts in japanese (might be wrong on the language), but if you scroll to the bottom, youll see information that might help out. By the third, fourth battle, youll get the used to the gameplay in this game. Even earlier if you have played games like Final Fantasy Tactics. 2) The gameplay can be a unforgiving in the movement or control of a character if you are not careful. For instance, I can move the archer sprite to a certain spot, only to realize that the enemy is too far off to attack, but I cant backtrack, so I have to end the turn. You can undo an attack, if say, i clicked on a sprite i didnt want to, but thats about it =/ 3) It is a very light RPG, in which the reward you get for winning in a battlefield are points towards levelling the character class. You pay, say, 200 points, and you raise the Soldier one level, to help it improve. Theres no weapons, or armor to customize the sprite (like Ogre Battle 64, to show an example), which is simple enough. 4) The music isnt amazing, no victory fanfare when you win or depressing one when you lose. The visuals arent amazing as well. It doesnt make me want to delete the game, though. 5) I havent tested the Multi Play mode, so I couldnt review it. It uses the iPhone/iPod Touchs Bluetooth, so no online play. I managed to get this game for free. And 99 cents is decent enough, any higher would be way too much. The game has potential, and its very, VERY simple. Its just not a perfect game, but, unless Final Fantasy Tactics, Ogre Battle 64 or Tactics Ogre, this is pretty much the most similar game to them thats on the App Store as far as I know. If you want a really, really, simple rpg strategy game similar to the aforementioned games, try this games lite version to see if its up your alley.

Plz rate back about question

The game is good but Im experiencing tons of crashes on loadings. Question: The game was free days ago right??

Insert title

Great game but it crashes... Alot..


It crashes too much

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